City of Odenville
City of Odenville
A Good Place To Call Home
Odenville City Hall
Odenville City Hall

City of Odenville and Odenville City Council Mission Statements
The mission of the City of Odenville is to provide a full range of municipal services to residents and businesses in accordance with the general plan and City Council policy and direction. City staff shall deliver those services in an efficient, effective and courteous manner with a commitment to operational excellence.
The mission of the Odenville City Council is to serve faithfully the residents and businesses of Odenville and nurture the City’s overall quality of life. The Council does this by setting policy for the City guided by values core to Odenville’s heritage.
City Council Meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month @ 7:00pm.
Work Sessions- 2nd Monday of each month @ 6:00pm.
Priscilla Newton
Clerk/ Magistrate

Court is held 1st Thursday of each month starting at 1:00 PM
183 Alabama Street
Odenville, AL 35120
Business Hours
8 A.M. to 5 P.M Monday – Friday
Municipal Judge
Brandi Hufford
City Prosecutor
Erskine Funderburg
Public Defender
Laura Barnes